2024 London to Albania Sign-up form

A present, we have 7 tickets remaining for this event.

To apply to enter our 2024 event, please fill in the form below with the details for you and your team. Once you've submitted the form, our staff will review it as soon as we can and be in touch to confirm your entry and collect your entry fee.

£175 for Adults
£285 for 1 Adult with 1 under-18
£345 for 1 Adult with 2 under-18's
Primary Contact Email Address:
How did you first hear about the race?:
We endeavor to make our events as inclusive as possible. If you or a member of your team has any disabilities you wish us to accommodate, please detail these here or let us know when we email to confirm your entry.:

Racer Details
First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth: